Sunday, June 1, 2008


by Stan C. Countz

My mind is full; my heart is achin’
Everything that can be, will be shaken
So make sure___ that you’re ____
Not mistaken

Store up for yourselves treasures
In heaven where they can never___
Rust or corrupt or be taken
He will never allow
His children now
To be forsaken

Blessed is the man
Who makes the Lord his trust
Who stores up treasures
that can never rust

We must seek His kingdom first
And we must hunger and thirst for His righteousness
So just speak the word and be assured that I’ll be healed
And your glory shall be revealed

Eye has not seen
Ear has not heard
What you’ve prepared
For those who love your word

As the sky is high above you
So your ways are higher than mine
But I will always love you
Until the end of time

You’ll stick closer than a brother
So let your light so shine
They’ll know you’re mine
By the way you love one another

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